SIAMS Report

Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS)

We had our last inspection on Thursday 31st March 2016. We were again graded as a good school.

‘Pupils, parents, staff and governors readily articulate the Christian values, which are seen as an essential and dynamic element in creating an ethos in which pupils can flourish and develop as whole people.’

Report Highlights!

Our established strengths are identified as:

  • The extent to which the school leaders and governors undertake their responsibilities with a clear focus on each child as a unique individual in God’s creation.
  • The role of Year 6 pupil chaplains which models both student leadership and school Christian values.
  • The day to day application of Christian values by children and staff which supports personal, spiritual and academic development.


Read our report in full: HT SIAMS REPORT 31.3.16

Read our previous full report from 2011- SIAS walthamxholytrinity170211